Life in a Kalidescope

Persistence of time (section)

<< If you feel small, maybe it's because you make me feel ten feet tall. >>

I would like to say that this is officially the nicest thing a girl has ever done for me. Seriously. I've done some nice things for girls before, but I can't recall specific nice things they ever did for me. Besides hugs and other things...but lets not get into that. Though I must admit that I do enjoy the "other things."

Like I was saying, nicest thing ever. I'd tell you all about it but I'm freaking tired. I'm sort of looking forward to tommorow though. It seems bright and cheery. What's the weather you ask? I have no idea but it will be bright and cheery even if it snows tomorrow? You say that's not possible? It can't snow in May? Well brother, I've seen the impossible happen.

Voc� deve saber que este � um jogo fino a jogar. Voc� diz o que voc� significa mas desgastando uma m�scara. Eu tenho olhos mas o homem nao super do am. Eu n�o posso ver atr�s da m�scara.

Babelfish had this to say:

it etait amusing, when a girl knows that it gives it the world if it wants. and if you want, I give it Ca if you want it is as I must. one must. it should be given but not, if it never turns over the same one, it is not justice because, I am sour, if you want, I will give you which thing. I feel timid, small, but my words are true.

If one were to feel timid I would tell them to have courage. If one has true words then one should shout them. Howeveer, it may be that the truth is a scary thing, and ones courage is in holding onto the truth they are afraid of.

Oh, and while I'm off on my guru rant...Yoda says, "Size matters not."

Being small is not a disadvantage, little rabbit.

<< 1:22 a.m. >>

That's it, I'm out. - 2007-06-27
That's it, I'm out. - 2007-06-27
The Generation Gap - 2007-06-18
My Conversation with a PETA Representative - 2007-06-14
Begining again...With Sandwiches - 2007-06-07

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Bonnie + Poo + Bree + Claire +


Dream Caused by flight of a bumblebee around a pomegranete
