Life in a Kalidescope

Persistence of time (section)

<< the sideshow is finally over >>

that Terry Woman in florida died. now what I really want to know is why some brain dead lady kicking off is a national media event?

I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way. I think what happened to that woman is sad. Her life was cut short in a tragic way and her husband made a very hard decision which her family did not agree with. Both of their positions are equally valid and I will not cast judgement on either party.

but over the last week or so I've become fed up with hearing about it. What in God's name (literally) gives these assholes the right to make this whole thing harder for the family than it already is. Can't a body die with dignity these days? Because that's really the worst part of it all, that the media chose to make such a spectacle of it all. That congress and the bush brothers blatently attempted to ignore the system of checks and balances to impose their will (from god as the Monkeypres seems to see it) upon our system.

Now, if you held a candle light vigil to pray for Terry's soul then this is not directed at you. But if you were out there holding a damned placard about the right to live, or trying to storm the hospital on Easter Sunday then you are a fucking horrible human being. How dare you? How dare you be so disruptive that you cause the shut down of a nearby school. I think that's some kind of clue when they won't trust your mob around children. And even when Robert Schiavo came and pleaded with you to go home and be with your families, you stayed. You stayed because you apparently love making a useless gesture more than you love your family. And I suppose in that I feel sorry for you.

A fucking circus, that's what you made of this woman's death. What else was she? A daughter, a mother, a wife, a friend? and you take her and make her life fit your martyrdom schema. Fuck you.

And in case anybody missed it, the lawyer who got that murdering prick OJ Simpson off the hook died the other day. Right when Micheal jackson needs him.

strong as steel

<< 5:28 p.m. >>

That's it, I'm out. - 2007-06-27
That's it, I'm out. - 2007-06-27
The Generation Gap - 2007-06-18
My Conversation with a PETA Representative - 2007-06-14
Begining again...With Sandwiches - 2007-06-07

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Dream Caused by flight of a bumblebee around a pomegranete
