Life in a Kalidescope

Persistence of time (section)

<< Blasting the stupidity of life. >>

Everyone remember the time i was going to write the entry on courage and strength? Well, that was supposed to be yesterday, but since I didn't feel like writing it, it looks like it isn't going to get written.

Today was completely ruined by having to go to critical writing, where the proffessor is a fucking ditz and everyone either sits quietly or announces moronic opinions loudly. Well, sometimes there is a good one. (I'm being very careful about making universal statements) I was forced into reading "Woman Hollering Creek" which is just chock full of the type of female characters I hate (the kind that get raped, beaten and abused and don't seem to do anything about it) The whole thing just sort of pissed me off. Now I have to compare it to Hemingway, who I feel is quite possibly the greatest writer ever. So I have to compare a phenomenal work by an author I love to a crappy book by an author I have come to despise.

I think that during class I came off as an anti-feminist. I can't understand how this keeps happening, as I don't know any person of the male persuasion who respects women more than I.

Yah know what...Fuck it.

Fuck it. I am sick and tired of walking around in life feeling like I should apologize to everyone who possesses a uterus. I am sick of being ashamed of being a white man in america. Is it my fault that our society is biased to make things easier for white men? God Dammit I am sick of being ashamed!!!

And another thing while we're on the topic of things that I'm sick of. I'm sick of "different" people. The people who must be "different" at all costs. I should know, I was one of them. Overheard today: "Why did you pierce your eyebrow?" "I just felt like being different." What the Fuck? Why can't people just realize that everyone is already different? Why does being different require a hole in your head? Or a certain type of clothing? We're all already different. Aren't there enough people who are different already? People all over the world are persecuted for being "different" from some arbitrary norm, and yet some are actively attempting to make themselves more "different." I have nothing more to say on this subject than to shake my head in disgust. *shakes head*

That's enough, Peace out.

Strong as steel, yet malleable


"If I had a hat on, I'd tip it."

Me, to the one person with a worthwhile, well thought out opinion.

<< 1:57 p.m. >>

That's it, I'm out. - 2007-06-27
That's it, I'm out. - 2007-06-27
The Generation Gap - 2007-06-18
My Conversation with a PETA Representative - 2007-06-14
Begining again...With Sandwiches - 2007-06-07

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Dream Caused by flight of a bumblebee around a pomegranete
